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- AgentBuying Real Estate is like putting together an intricate puzzle, and sometimes it's hard to see the whole picture. Lynnie loves to help his clients put together the pieces of the Real Estate puzzle, to complete that picture and make their Real Estate dreams come true. His goal is to make the process as seamless, as problem-free, and as enjoyable as possible for his clients. He prepares them for the bumps ahead and gets them through with a few laughs along the way. For him it is important to get to know his clients in order to understand their Real Estate wants and needs, and he always keeps those wants and needs first and foremost. Lynnie has lived in Henry County his entire life. He has been selling Real Estate in Henry County and the entire South Metro Atlanta area for over 14 years.+1(678) 697-0712 lynniewilliams3@gmail.com
1230 Peachtree St NE, Atlanta, GA, 30309, USA